Cathedral & Community Links

St. Ninian’s Episcopal Primary School has strong links with St. Ninian’s Episcopal Cathedral in Perth. The church offers us many opportunities to use their facilities for learning and celebrating, Reverend Peter Higson provides vital links between church and school.

We have a weekly assembly in the school hall and classes are actively involved in leading these throughout the school session. We invite other religious organisations to come and address the school through assembly. Services are held in the Cathedral twice a year (Christmas and summer) and parents and friends are always welcome to join us at these times. We would normally expect all children to participate in religious “education” although not necessarily in religious “observance” (i.e. assemblies). Should any parent wish their child(ren) to be exempt from religious observance, they should notify the school in writing.

We work alongside Perth Museum and Art Gallery to develop a range of opportunities to enhance our learning and have a high level of support from Live Active and Active Schools to develop opportunities to engage in a range of sports. We have be working recently with Kincarrathie House and Horsecross concert hall on an intergenerational project which was a great success. 

We actively support local organisations such as Perth Foodbank and charities by organising fundraising activities throughout the year and by welcoming visitors/guest speakers to our assemblies.

We work with Dundee University and UHI to provide student teacher placements and with Perth College to provide NC and HNC placements for students. We also give secondary pupils the opportunity to come to St. Ninian’s for work experience.

We work closely with our Active Schools Co-ordinator to forge links with local sporting clubs and to support senior pupils in leadership programmes. We regularly use the facilities at Bell’s Sports Centre to enhance our physical education provision.

The school has recently received its Bronze Rights Respecting School Award and we will continue this development into next session.

Our Local Councillors are :

Cllr Peter Barrett

Cllr Andrew Parrott

Cllr Chris Ahern

Cllr Eric Drysdale